Saturday, June 10, 2017

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Monday, June 24, 2013

How To Make Your Ex Obsessed With You Again!

Whether or not you initiated the breakup, if you want your ex to miss you, you must consider what that really means and requires of you. This is not a time for negative emotions or for weakness, you have to be very strong and determined to get what you want and deserve from life.

As much as it hurts to feel discarded, as bad as it feels to be pushed to the side. Or, as much as you regret causing a breakup that never should have happened, now is the time to write down your emotions on paper, burn them so your ex never finds out, and become strong so you can do what's necessary to make your ex miss you.

Try to keep yourself as busy as possible. It is better to have so much on your plate you wonder how you might accomplish it all than to feel useless and not needed. When you are busy and accomplish things you want to accomplish, you realize just how much you can do, and just how wonderful and important you are.

Don't contact your ex unless it's an emergency, or if you have kids and it concerns them. Be as unemotional and unfazed as possible; if it is hurting you to seem so cold and aloof, you're doing it right and by appearing nonchalant about the breakup you will make your ex miss you immensely.

Also, to make your ex miss you and to stun them, pretend you are happy about the break up. Be more free and alive than you ever thought you could be, and it will drive your ex crazy. They will be saddened for assuming you would be distraught when you seem glad to be free of the relationship and they will go from missing you to doing whatever they can to have you back.

Source: Sarah Marshall |

Friday, June 14, 2013

How To Hypnotize Someone Instantly?

Would you like to have the power to hypnotize anyone? How will your life change if you could put your friends, parents, girl and others into a deep trance instantly? Below I will guide you how you can hypnotize anyone today in SECONDS like professional hypnotists.

Do You Have Hypnotic Power?
Do you need to have special powers to hypnotize someone? Is doing hypnosis difficult? Not absolutely. Hypnotizing others is much easier than you might think. All you need is to learn hypnosis techniques and follow them properly.

I will teach you one of these techniques below and you can apply it on your friends or anyone you want.

Confidence is the critical factor for your hypnosis success. If you don't have confidence, then you will probably fail while doing hypnosis. But when you are confident, you will have positive attitude and succeed with your hypnosis practice.

Hypnotize Anyone NOW in 6 Seconds
Now, you have some basics about hypnotizing others. So it is time to start your first hypnosis practice today - right NOW.

You can apply your first hypnosis practice on your friends, parents, lovers and anyone you want. You will be surprised how easy it is.

Firstly, you must relax the person whom you are going to hypnotize. You must convince your subject that you will not do anything dangerous with her (him). When she (he) is in a relaxed state she will not have fear of anything. And it will be easy for you to apply the technique below on her. This is an important factor.

Could you relax her? OK, then it is time to put her into a hypnotic state. That is what you really want.

Now, follow the steps below carefully:

1- Take one of her arms and ask her to look at your eyes.

2- And you look at her eyes deeply while putting your arm on her neck at least 6 seconds. This will help you to concentrate your subject for the next action.

3- Suddenly cry "SLEEP" and move her head towards you. And you are done. She is now in a hypnotic state. What does this mean? It means that you can now make your commands, offers to her which are called hypnotic suggestions.

This technique is called instant hypnosis induction. Was this process difficult? Not, probably. That is how hypnosis works.

Try this technique on your family members, friends, parents and anyone you want. If you get right education and practice, you will easily hypnotize others. Trust me. Also you should not panic if you fail on your initial attempts. We all passed this step, so don't worry and try it again and again.

Remember: Hypnotizing others is an easy task if you know how to do it. So start learning hypnosis techniques today and follow them with confidence. I guarantee you will you succeed in this way.

by Orxan Ibadov from

Friday, August 5, 2011

20 Excellent Conversation Questions Everyone Loves

ask a question
Once you have experimented asking questions for a while, you will realize just how great questions are for starting conversations, helping them flow and for getting to know someone better. Now it is time to have some fun with it!

What makes an excellent conversation question?

1. It is easy to answer
2. It does not cause offence
3. It includes everyone
4. People will not be judged on their responses!

This last point is particularly important, as people will be reluctant to talk if they feel they will be judged. So you can see a good conversation question is also about tone and circumstances.

Below is a list of excellent conversation questions to delve deeper into the personalities of people you feel comfortable with and find out a few more things about them. These are great for social gatherings and parties or anywhere where you want to have fun and get to know someone in the process.

It is a great spin on the old party game "Twenty Questions" but see where each question leads you when you get the answers. Do not turn your questioning into an interrogation and listen to the answers you get.

Pick up on these answers and as subsidiary questions, add your own answers: ask whatever seems appropriate and whatever the other person seems to want you to do. Just go with the flow and enjoy it!

1. If you were God for a day, what would you do?
2. If you could be the parent of one famous person, who would you want it to be and why?
3. What was the last thing you regret buying?
4. If you had a chance to bring one person back from the dead, who would it be and why?
5. What three things you regret not learning to do?
6. If you had a crystal ball that could tell you the truth about any one thing you wished to know about yourself, life, the future, or anything else, what would you want to know?
7. What's worse... having expectations that are too high, or having no expectations at all?
8. How do you know when you're in love?
9. What is the most important invention or innovation that has happened during your life-time?
10. How would you spend your ideal day?
11. What, if anything, is too serious to be joked about?
12. What three adjectives might other people use to describe your personality?
13. Who would you choose to be shipwrecked on a desert island with?
14. What is your idea of a perfect romantic evening?
15. If you were to be remembered for one thing, what would you like it to be?
16. If you were guaranteed honest responses to any three questions, whom would you question, and what would you ask them?
17. If you saw someone shoplifting, what would you do?
18. Is there anything you would willingly give your life for?
19. If you could re-live a day of your life again, which would it be and why?
20. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

These are all light-hearted questions that should cause no-one offence, but they also touch on philosophical issues and allow you to really get to know a person - if they are honest with their answers. You make it a lot more likely that they will tell the truth if you set the scene and provide a relaxed atmosphere and if you are prepared to chip in with your own answers.

Under those circumstances, these provide excellent conversation questions to enable you to know more about your friends than you might ever have found out in any other way.

Monday, July 25, 2011

Understanding Home Broadband Bandwidth

broadband dsl cables

Your home broadband, typically ADSL or cable modem access, usually has a different speed for downloading and uploading respectively. Typically you will have a downlink speed in the range of 512 kbit/s up to 8 Mbit/s and an uplink speed substantially lower than that, often 128 kbit/s to 1 Mbit/s. However, even when downloading things from the Internet, traffic flows in both directions, because the protocol that is used to transfer the data uses acknowledgments to make sure that the data has been transferred properly. Since your download speed is substantially higher than your upload speed, in a lot of cases you will not be able to use your full download speed if you are uploading data at the same time.

Your Internet service provider will often quote the speed of your home broadband as being "up to" a certain speed. There is a reason for that. Let's say you have a home broadband connection of up to 2 Mbit/s in download speed and up to 512 kbit/s in upload speed. Does this mean that you are always guaranteed to get that bandwidth for your transfers?

Definitely not! In fact, all Internet service providers sell much more bandwidth than they can actually deliver. If all the customers of a service provider would try to use their connection to download at the same time, the average bandwidth would be much lower than the maximum value given. In fact, it is not uncommon to sell 50 times more bandwidth than they can actually deliver.

Does this mean that they are tricking you? It certainly sounds so, but this is a practice that has been used a long time, even in telephony networks or cell phone networks. If everyone in the world tried to use their telephone at the same time, it simply would not work. But that just doesn't happen, most people only use the telephone occasionally.

The same thing applies to your home broadband. Most customers in your service providers network only use their home broadband occasionally. Some users fill up their broadband all the time, and there are those that rarely use it at all. But on average, the usage is quite low compared to the maximum possible. For instance, when you're surfing on a web site, you spend most of the time reading the pages. Also, most people only spend a fraction of their day in front of their computer at home.

If the service provider was going to guarantee that you could always get your maximum bandwidth, your home broadband would be much more expensive. The service provider would have to make sure that you had dedicated bandwidth for your usage only. This would be a waste, and cost much more than most people are willing to pay.

Instead, service providers carefully monitor the bandwidth usage in a network, to make sure that connections are not overloaded. Some low quality service providers will overload their connections more, and give you a lower average bandwidth.

Service providers also use the same over provisioning for business customers, but the "over provisioning factor" tends to be much lower. This is not surprising, because a business connection is used by many people so on average these connections will be more utilized than a home broadband connection. Furthermore, a business customer generally pays more for the same bandwidth, so the service provider can afford to give a higher quality to these customers.

Author: Andy Wilkinson

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Smoking Health Problems

smoking health problems
As we all know smoking is a bad habit. But still people use to smoke because of their addiction towards it or because of fashion. College students used to smoke to look fashionable. Smoking is very injurious to health. Leave smoking to live longer. It is being confirmed through the various research studies that people who smoke a lot live for less years than those who avoids smoking. The maximum numbers of the cancer cases are used due to the smoking. Many people have lost their lives due to the smoking and many more will be giving it in coming future. Smoking has become a problem of serious concern. In spite of the lot of advertisements put by the govt. nobody is reacting promptly to the smoking cessation. According to me, the best solution would be to stop the production of the cigarettes completely. This will surely be a lot helpful to stop the unhealthy habit of smoking. When it was asked to the people during the survey that why they smoke. Nobody was able to give a perfect explanation for it. So, this is just a style or passion that is making this unhealthy habit prominent.

It has proved by the scientific studies that 70 different types of the cancer are caused by the smoking. Cancer of the larynx, pharynx, oral cavity, esophagus, bladder, kidney, and pancreas are caused by the smoking. The fact is that large numbers of deaths all over the world are noted due to the smoking habit. Sexual dysfunction in men and women is noted due to the smoking. It has been noted the men who smoke lot are found to be impotent. Erectile dysfunction is common among the men with the habitual smoking habit. Infertility is on rise due to the unhealthy habit of smoking. Women are failing to get pregnant due to the excessive amount of the tobacco in the body that destroys the ovulation cycle.

Asthma is the common outcome of the smoking. Nearly all the smokers suffer with the asthma. This is caused due to the swelling that is the respiratory tracts that happens due to the smoke of the tobacco. Even the sexual stamina and loss of libido is noted to be common problem faced by the smokers. Even the problem of premature ejaculation is found to be prominent among the men who smoke habitually. Even the occurrence of the blindness is found to be very common among the smokers. Tobacco smoke affects the blood vessels in the eye. This result in the damage of these vessels and the blood supply to the eyes get disturbed, which ultimately leads to the blindness.

Smoking is the habit that generally starts in the young age and then stays for the lifetime with the person. Smoking causes addiction. Tobacco is the main constituent of all the smoking packages sold in the market. Smoking is generally the process in which the tobacco is inserted in the smoking piper and burnt, or cigarettes and cigar has them tobacco filled in which just needs to be burnt. Through the process of smoking the tobacco is inhaled which directly passes to the respiratory tract. It is noted that the functioning of the lungs is disturbed to the large extent by the smoking. More than 95% cases of the lung cancer are caused by the smoking of tobacco. Once you suffer with the cancer then your lifespan remains only for 4 to 6 years.

One of the serious problems that occur due to the smoking is the cardiovascular health problem. Atherosclerosis is one of the most common diseases observed in the smokers. Due to the smoking the deposition of the plaque is deposited in the arteries due to which the atherosclerosis is caused. Tobacco smoke has 5000 different chemical compounds and 80 out of these are very hazardous to the health. Immune system is greatly affected by the smoking due to which many other diseases also affect your health. Thus, it has been proved that smoking reduces the lifespan. So, if you want to live longer then quit smoking.

by Calvin Doyle

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Losing Weight Doesn't Have To Be Hard

losing weight
How would you like to lose twenty five, fifty, or even one hundred pounds in just month? Or drop two dress sizes by the end of the week? There s no need to exercise, just take this magic pill with every meal, and no lifestyle changes are necessary.

Yes, that sounds appealing. It sounds quite impossible as well. For some reason, though, millions of people still fall for the many scams available in the health, diet, and fitness industries. These overnight success programs may have testimonials and pictures to back them up, but could these rapid transformations really be safe for a person s body and mind.

Fat loss can be a quick and easy process but it all depends on your definitions of the words quick and easy . Most weight loss professionals consider one to two pounds to be a safe amount of weight to drop in one year. It doesn t sound as rapid as the infomercials, does it? By dropping the recommended two pounds per week, a person could theoretically lose over one hundred pounds in one year. That should be more than sufficient for most people, and even you have more than that to lose, one hundred pounds off your back would definitely make a dramatic change in health and appearance.

Was fat loss really ever meant to be easy? Nothing of value comes to you without being earned. Regardless of the hyped marketing and testimonials, fat loss was never meant to be easy, but it doesn t have to be confusing. Take a moment to contrast the words easy and simple . Good diet and physical fitness habits are very simple, but they are still hard to do on a consistent basis.

That s the key to weight loss. It s all about consistency. Running just a little bit faster or lifting just a little more weight is all it takes to make impressive improvements over the long run. Not to be overly pessimistic, but think about when you decided for the very first time that you wanted to lose weight. Consider where you d be if you lost one pound week per week ever since? Where would be you now? There probably wouldn t be much left.

Congratulations on deciding you are ready to change your life, whether this is your first attempt or not. In order to keep your progress consistent and your results growing, you ll need to find continual motivation. Your new future doesn t start on any specific date, it s the result of specific actions taken today, very literally. Your future isn t what you plan for tomorrow, it s the life you create today.

How can you create an overwhelming abundance of motivation that gives you no choice to succeed? There are a variety of possibilities. In a place you see often, place a picture of a person you believe has an ideal body weight. Maybe even better, post a picture of yourself where you are now, so you can see the difference. Create a vision board with pictures of your idea life. Find friends and a support group that are trying to make similar decisions and improvements in their own life.

Finding your ideal weight is worth the hard work. It won t be easy, but the physical, social, and emotional benefits are well worth the effort. Take the first step, build some momentum, and you ll reach your goal in no time.

by Daniel Millions

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